Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Day

I've been avoiding the sewing machine for the past 10 days or so. I got back to it today after pushing through the whining wall. Here are my results.

This is one big quilt! I had all the blocks made, and 2 of the rows put together. Now it's ready for quilting (as soon as I make a back). One thing I really like about the current modern quilting movement is that most of the designs don't have borders. I love being finished with the top once the columns and rows are together.

I started the day by re-reading the directions for Judy Niemeyer's Autumn Splendor quilt. (Have you ever done one of Judy's patterns? The instructions are like the Sunday New York Times!!!!) Two years ago I took 3 classes with Judy at Quilting By the Bay in Panama City Florida. I've worked on the parts off and on, but it's been awhile since the last time. It all came back, though, and this part went together quickly and easily after the refresher. I highly recommend taking a class from Judy, or one of her many certified instructors if you can't get to her. You'll be amazed at how easy the cutting and piecing are. I hope to get a part or two done daily now that I've refreshed my brain on the how-to.

I ended the day making a whole passel of half-square triangle blocks. These are 2" (finished). After finishing the quilt top, above, I was still in the mood to sew (it's amazing what happens once your push yourself to just do it).  I did a browse through my project bins and stumbled upon a bunch of fabrics already cut, just waiting to be made into HSTs. My guild just started a HST exchange and I know I'll need more, so....what the heck! I made 102 tonight. Then I quit sewing! 

It was a good day.  Thanks for sharing it with me.

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