Friday, October 10, 2014

Therapy Sewing

I sort of "took the day off" (if that's possible when one is retired) from things that should be done and instead did exactly what I wanted to do. 

Lots of cutting (some of this is from yesterday's cutting session).

Then lots of sewing.

Sometimes strip sewing is drudgery that must be done before the fun begins, other times it's therapy. Today it was therapy sewing. Sew strips...lots of strips....and don't think. I'm currently listening to Doctor Sleep by Stephen King as I sew.  I made piles of "twosies" (above) then put them together for "foursies" (below).

The ugh part came here:

I didn't get all the strip sets subcut - I got bored. (That, and it was getting late.)

I also got two more Desert Nights blocks done. That puts me at 16 blocks - a quarter of the way there. That's a good time to change the needle: they dull so quickly when paper piecing. Having a nice fresh needle was just the excuse I needed to do the therapy sewing today. Tomorrow I'll get back to more Desert blocks.

I wonder when I'll pack? I'm leaving Tuesday for 18 days (stay tuned for that adventure!). I'll probably pack Monday evening. That's what I do. Everything at the last minute. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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