Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 2 Brookings, OR to Vancouver, WA

I have this book titled The 50 Most Beautiful Drives in the United States.  The drive up the Oregon coast is one of them. Wow! The drive is beyond description! 

After taking my industrial-strength Dramamine, we headed out for the next leg of our eastward-ho adventure.  The Oregon shores have lots of HUGE rocks. The other side of the road has some of the tallest trees I've ever seen. Miles and miles of trees. Very different from the California coast, where there are lush green (well, usually green except in summer) mountains, but not trees.

But Oregon lived up to its reputation of gray and rainy, although I think Kathy was happy to see the moisture after so many years of drought in California.  

We stopped in the little burg of Brandon where we gave our Visas, as well as our legs, some exercise.

We drove over many bridges, but this one was especially interesting to me for some reason.

With all the trees here, logging is big business.

The next photos were taken with my GoPro. I haven't edited these photos in any way, so you get the view, car and all. :)

Lots of water on bot sides of the road here in Oregon.

Trees. Lots and lots of trees.

Beautiful shorelines.

And what would a trip through Oregon be without cheese? Lots and lots of cheese. Dinner!

We stopped for the day after crossing into Vancouver, Washington.

I'm resisting quilt, bead, and rock stores - even when they scream my name as we drive by. 

Today we're fully eastbound. Lots of places I've not seen before. Should be a great day! We are well and excited.

Thanks for stopping by!

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