I finally did the binding on this strippy quilt. It's the first finish of 2015. On my screen, the greys look blue: there's not a bit of blue in this quilt. It's "modern" in feel. I don't remember the fabric line, but I just had to make it. I completely copied the shop sample! How totally uncreative. :)
When I took the Fractured top to the quilters, I also took them a practice piece. I had batiks and non-batiks, and a slippery thread I wanted to use for quilting, so I thought it would be good to give them something work on for getting tensions right, etc. From that practice piece, I cut 8 wristlets. They didn't turn out as nice as I thought they would. The expandable piece in the bottom of each is the same color as the strap, but because you don't really see it, there isn't enough contrast. I guess this makes them useful in their "neutralness". Regardless, they're done and count toward 2015 finishes.
I had chickens from the grocery, so Monday night I put the carcasses in the crock pot and made stock overnight. Yesterday I used the stock to make chicken rice soup (also in the crockpot - love that thing!), had some for dinner, then froze the rest in portion containers. I've done a lot of that over the last month and probably will be able to survive any zombie apocalypse with no need to go foraging for food. Ah, well. I really enjoy cooking and have been doing a lot of it! More experimentation will be coming up: I also enjoy trying new recipes.
Any suggestions on how to give chicken soup some flavor, though? Honestly, it's quite boring and in need of some pizazz.
And that's my update for now. Thanks for stopping by!
2015 "finish" count - 9
I really like your wristlets and love the quilting! Hmmm, stock.....add ginger, in Spain they added sherry, drippings from roast chicken, experiment!!