Sunday, January 1, 2012

Number One

Well, I said I wanted to blog every day this year so I better get going!  I did finalize my 2012 goals/resolutions this morning after I finished Morning Pages. Forget the moon - I shot for Jupiter! Go big or go home, right?  The two biggies are (1) to become the un-consumer, which leads to #2 -  make a quilt a week for the year.

OOOOO. EM. GEE!  Did I really just put that out here to the blogosphere????  I did. Now I'm accountable.

I'm also doing a couple of photo challenges (in an effort to improve my photography) and a year-long de-clutter "challenge" (no further explanation needed!). Since I'll be traveling so much this year, I'm doubling up on the de-clutter challenge. It's really kind of awesome - just do a little every day.  (Find the clutter challenge here.)

Today's photo prompt was "street". I took these with my phone on my morning walk (no sunglasses needed this morning! The fog was pea-soup thick!!) Here's the first pic:

And here are a couple more (same view, same time), playing with Hipstamatic lenses.  I have no idea what I'm doing but intend to learn! I like this app so far. Lots of funky stuff to play with.

Here's the start of this weeks' quilt (also taken with the phone). This quilt is very purple!!!!!

I also downloaded the Camwow app - look at this funky stuff!
Here's the "original" (all these following were taken with my Ipad)

And here are just a few of CamWow's effects, still taking the same pic:

I love this sepia one!!!  The app is free; I think I'll pay the $1.99 to get rid of the watermark - it's fun and crazy!

So there's a part of julian date 2012001. Lots of sewing, music listening, and now I'm watching "The Dark Knight" as I blog away. It was a good day - I hope yours was too.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. And I am exhausted by your list of resolutions!
    Hipstmatic IS cool,isn't it???


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