I wasn't able to get a good pic of the purple and green, but it's the one I started at Epworth last weekend. It's quite different.
Sometimes I find a pattern intrigues me and I want to try it out in lots of different fabrics. This is the case with the tumblers. Also I find that I've been able to use up some of my stash I this quilt pattern. It goes together so quickly! And cutting was a breeze because I used the Accuquilt cutter. Zip, zip, done!
I've also been working on the binding for the gray & Kaffe tumbler, and I've been stuffing pincushions for gifts at Empty Spools in the spring. Hexies have not been forgotten! Chair work (not requiring sitting at the sewing machine) has many project possibilities!
The weather has finally broken, but it will be back up to 80 by Tuesday. Oh, how I long to live in a cooler climate! But...not in the cards at the moment.
The world continues to be crazy. Violence. Voters suppression laws. Craziness spewing from the mouths of the politicians running this country. People expressing shock that we spy. That's sort of like that scene in Casablanca where the police chief is shocked, SHOCKED, to find gambling going on at Rick's. Ah well. The lunatics are running the asylum: what else can we expect? Sometimes I think I need to live in a cave. Instead I turn off the TV and pretend, for a day, that we're not all nuts.
Meanwhile there's fabric to keep me sane. Thanks for stopping by.