I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. Well ... nevermind that.
I did NOT retire last year; the economy had the bigger trump card! Ah, well - having a regular paycheck is a GOOD thing. I've also started teaching quilting classes and "care of your Featherweight" classes at Olde Green Cupboard, one of our local quilt shops. I'm making progress on my retirement quilts, though.
Now that I'm teaching, I look at patterns, fabric, and books much differently! I want to encourage all quilters - even those just starting out - and I want to continue to grow as a quilter in my own right. I'm finding that teaching gives me a whole new insight to my own work.
I've been dyeing fabric for the past week. I always love the results. I'm going to use most of it in the samples I'm making for my 3rd quarter classes. That's unusual!! It's not becoming MORE STASH! A success!!
I'm also de-cluttering around the house (See: "Throw Out Fifty Things" - Gail Blanke). Having been a stasher all my life, this is quite the challenge! But I'm making progress. I'm keeping my list so I can see my progress. I'm also decluttering to quilt stash - by actually finishing things. Decisions need to be made; will this ever be a finished project in my house? While that seems a simple enough question, it isn't. I tend to use UFO blocks in other mysterious ways so it's really a stretch for me to say it will NEVER be finished in my house. Yet ... I've managed to "get rid of".
Right now I'm working on a quilt from the Waffles pattern, my Kaffe fabric "5 & dime", and about 6 or 7 "jelly roll" quilts for 3rd quarter classes. I'll post pics as I get them!